In his article “From Prophethood to the Gospel: Talking to Folk Muslims about Jesus,” Perry Pennington thinks deeply about the challenges of sharing the gospel with Muslims steeped in a Sufi-mindset in Pakistan. He recognises that many of the bridges and illustrations Chrsitians use don’t actually address the things that ordinary Muslims are concerned about. So he starts at the other end, as it were, and asks how they understand their need and what they put their hope in. The article can be downloaded from here.
Callum Johnson’s article “Under One Father” is based on research in Bangladesh. He describes the interaction between culture and faith. He explores Sufi hierarcies fit so well into the culture and discusses the implications for talking about salvation. Click here.
Mirpur is the region of Pakistan which many British Asians come from. Richard Cook’s paper looks at the place of Sufism among Mirpuris. Click here.
John Stephenson’s paper The Messiah of Honour: The Christology and Atonement of Followers of Isa al-Masih describes how believers explain their expereince of Christ. The religious culture of Bangladesh has been influenced by Sufism. Stephenson finds that the practice of entrusting one’s self to a Sufi shaykh paves the way for recognising Christ as saviour and intercessor. The biblical expression “in Christ” takes on particular significance. Click here.